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Professional Teaching Dispositions:  Exhibit dispositions required for effective teaching and professional practice

Above is the most recent dispositions. Reflecting on the disposition from a few months ago I did much better in the areas I wanted to grow in. I was not late once during student teaching and I did have more cultural response. Click the document above to see my areas of growth and areas I can still develop

       1. What two dispositional areas do you feel very comfortable with and why?

Ethical Behavior and Integrity and Tact and Judgment. I feel really comfortable with these two areas because I always try to approach every situation in and out of the classroom with an open mind , I also always try to be honest and tactful. For example When students would talk to be about problems I always kept them confidential but would also be sensitive to their concerns and be there for them. There are also times I would have to explain right from wrong to students also.


        2. What is one dispositional area you want to focus on during your student teaching semester? 

Cultural responsive, I didn't really get to teach this way this semester and I really would in student teaching. I welcome all students and families into the classroom and I know students are capable of learning. I just feel like I need to work on commitment to culturally responsive teaching. 


        3. Any other thoughts about Professional Dispositions related to you being a successful educator

I also feel like I need to work on promptness. I wasn't always late to our class but everyone and a while I would show up a couple minutes late. When I get to student teaching I want to always be there early because sometimes students need your help before class and also being early will help prep me for my day.

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